Living Water Project Terms & Conditions
Welcome to the Living Water Project, a partnership between E-Pharma, partners, and pharmacies, aligned to the 6th Sustainable Development Goal of clean water and sanitation. The following terms and conditions apply to all partners involved in the project.
1. Purpose of the Project
The Living Water Project aims to provide clean water to patients who require water for taking medication or on their health journey. The water is provided for free to patients at a pharmacy of their choice. E-Pharma partners with pharmacies to provide water for free to patients. Non-pharmacy partners fund the free water that is given to patients.
2. Free Water Distribution
Pharmacies are not allowed to sell the water. Each bottle label will have a QR code that the pharmacies are to scan before giving the patient water that will lead them to a site where they will pick their pharmacy name and county. The number of times the pharmacy name is picked will determine the reimbursement given to pharmacies for partnering on the Living Water Project. It also allows E-Pharma to automatically know when to schedule the delivery of additional water for patients.
3. Reimbursement
If there is a discrepancy between the entries and the actual bottles remaining, the value of the bottled water (commercial rate) will be deducted from expected reimbursements. Depending on the seriousness of the variance, the pharmacy may be struck off the pharmacy partner list. Reimbursements are done once a month in the subsequent month from when the water was given for free to patients. For example, if water was given in April 2023, reimbursements will be done end of May 2023 to an MPESA number provided by the pharmacy.
4. Refusal of Branded Bottles
Pharmacies have the right to refuse to stock a particular branded bottle.
5. Changes to Terms and Conditions
The terms and conditions may change without notice and will be updated within this link.
6. Use of Data
The use of data will be in alignment with the Kenya Data Policy rules. Relevant information can be shared with non-pharmacy partners.
7. Terms and Conditions for Non-Pharmacy Partners
Terms and conditions for non-pharmacy partners include them clearing the Ad artwork and graphics with the relevant authorities and indemnifying E-Pharma from any issues that may arise from such clearance. All Artwork will include a QR code from E-Pharma, the logo showing the 6th Sustainable Development Goal of clean water and sanitation, and "powered by E-Pharma &".
8. Minimum Order Quantity and Cost
There will be a minimum order quantity of branded bottles. The cost-shared is exclusive of VAT per branded bottle. Costs may shift. Payments are made in advance. No refunds.
Thank you for partnering with the Living Water Project. By participating in this project, you are contributing to the achievement of the 6th Sustainable Development Goal of clean water and sanitation.